To find out more about getting involved, please email newhope@greyfriars.org.uk
Small Groups
We would love to get you connected with our small groups. We meet together to grow in our faith, to study Scripture, and to pray.
Small Groups meet throughout the week, and we can help you to find the right group for you.
To find out more info, please click HERE.
Café Hope
Join us once a month on a Wednesday beteen 10AM and 12PM for free cake and coffee in a lovely and cozy atmosphere, with the chance to get to know others in the neighbourhood.
It is a coffee-shop-at-home feel, with music and a chance to just sit and relax, or to chat with others.
Please check our Coming Up page for when the café is next open.
Silent Hope
We meet every Tuesday between 1PM and 2PM for shared silence and prayer, in the Prayer Room at Greyfriars.
Come every week or just on occasion, or join us in prayer from home.
Come along to Brownies on Mondays during term time, 6PM, for games, activities, craft, badges and fun!
To sign up, click here.
Our toddler group is for children aged 0-3 years and their parents/guardians. We meet every Monday in term time from 10AM-11AM, in the Vault hall on the ground floor.
We aim to provide a safe place for children to play and have fun, and a chance for the parents/guardians to meet new friends, chat and have coffee - and spend time with their children!
No need to book and we charge £1 per family. Please email Abi Ord for more info - abi.ord@greyfriars.org.uk.