May 2021
Sunday 30th - Abby Tutt-Leppard - Rediscovering The Way: Generous Community - Acts 4:32-37
Sunday 23rd - Joy Atkins - Rediscovering The Way: a Spirit-led community - Acts 2:1-13
Sunday 16th - Abi Ord - A Kingdom Community: discipleship, signs and wonders - Acts 5:12-16
Sunday 9th - An Empowered Community: empowered to serve - Acts 6:1-7
Sunday 2nd - Youth-led service
APril 2021
Sunday 25th - Joy Atkins - A prayerful community - Acts 4:23-31
Sunday 18th - Joy Atkins - Rediscovering the way: a missional church - Acts 17:1-9
Sunday 11th Praise Party
Sunday 4th - Amy Cavender - EASTER DAY
March 2021
Sunday 28th March - Sam Brown - Palm Sunday - Mark 11:1-11
Sunday 21st March - Joy Atkins - Philippians: contentment in every circumstance - Phil 4:10-23
Sunday 14th March - Chrissy Haines - Philippians: unity, joy and peace through prayer - Phil 4:1-9
Sunday 7th March - Amy Cavender - Temptations - Luke 4:1-14
February 2021
Sunday 28th - Joy Atkins - Philippians: identity – our citizenship is in heaven - Phil 3:15-21
Sunday 21st - John Freeman - Philippians: Faith Alone – keep pressing on - Phil 3:1-14
Sunday 14th - Jenny Nhau - Philippians: worthy workers – Timothy & Epaphroditus - Phil 2:19-30
January 2021
Sunday 31st - Greg Stormont - Humility in relationships with one another - Phil 2:1-18
Sunday 24th - Amy Cavender - Paul's suffering is for God's glory - Phil 1:12-30
Sunday 17th - Zoom Prayer Meeting - no recording
Sunday 10th - Joy Atkins - Paul's Letter to Philippi - Phil 1:1-11
Sunday 3rd - Joy Atkins - Paul in Philippi - Acts 16:11-40